Skoči na vsebino


The purpose of this consultation is to present examples of good practices of Deaf interpreters of Slovene sign language and of international sign language in Slovenia and justify the need for a professional profile A Deaf Interpreter, which was, until now, just a goodwill of some Slovenian organizations.


Hiša Evropske Unije

Dunajska cesta 20

1000 Ljubljana.


The field of interpreters for Slovenian sign language is governed by the Act on the Use of Slovene sign Language. A professional profile is obtained with a national vocational qualification, which defines entry conditions with medical conditions, where a healthy hearing is being listed. The Slovenian Association of Teachers of the Deaf has expressed an initiative about changing the catalog and entry conditions, but we did not get any reply from the people responsible for this matter.

At the international consultation we will hear about good practice examples in Slovenia and abroad. Tanja Potočnik Höngisman will present the current conditions in Slovenia. Marjetka Kulovec and Bojan Mord will present the work of a school interpreter, we will also hear about a unique project, where a deaf interpreter is part of the 24ur TV show. We will also listen to the presentation of Jasna Bauman from Zavod za združenje tolmačev za slovenski znakovni
jezik. Among examples of foreign practices, we will hear Dr. Sanja Tarzcav, a president of European Deafblind Union, Ieva Silaeva Peciulyte and Arunas Bražinski, who are both professional interpreters from Lithuania.

We want to raise awareness about the moto of this project “Nothing about the deaf without the deaf” at this consultation and set a path to establishing a professional profile A Deaf Interpreter and enable the deaf to enter the labour market with a professional profile A Deaf Interpreter, which is already an everyday practice abroad. At the end of the conference an initiative for resolution will be presented, with the help of which the participants will bind themselves to formally establish the professional profile A Deaf Interpreter.

The consultation will conclude with a two-day workshop (November 18 th and 19 th ) for everyone, who will be interested in working as a sign language interpreter as well as for all registered interpreters for sign language. The workshop “Team work” will be led by Arunas Bražinski from Lithuania. The official language of the workshop will be an international sign language. In case there are going to be some applicants who do not know international sign language, translations will be provided. The number of vacant posts is limited.

The program of the international consultation »A Deaf Interpreter«


9.15–9.45 Welcoming speech dr. Zoran Stančič, head of representations for EU House

Dušan Dvorščak,MA, The Slovenian Association of Teachers of the Deaf

Janko Plesec, president Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLANMladen Veršič, president, Slovenian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

dr. Marko Stabej, Faculty of Arts Ljubljana

9.40 -10.00. Human rights dr. Tapolczai Gergely, vicepresident European Union of the Deaf; the Hungarian deputy
10.00–10.20 Deaf interpreter’s situation in Slovenia Tanja Potočnik Höngisman, MA in pharmacy
10.20–10.40 Deaf school interpreters at Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana Marjetka Kulovec, prof. def., Bojan Mord, VIS BA in Graph. Eng., Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana (Deaf and Hard of Hearing Society)
10.40–11.00 Deaf interpreters in 24ur TV show Bojan Mord, VIS BA in Graph. Eng., TIPK d.o.o.
11.00–11.20 Deaf interpreters – examples of good practice Nuša Lapajne, BA in social work; Natalija Javornik, Društvo gluhoslepih Slovenije DLAN (Slovenian Deafblind Society DLAN)
11.20 -11.40 BREAK  
11.40–12.10 Deaf interpreters for deafblind Dr. Sanja Tarzcay, president of EDBU (European Deafblind Union), Croatia
12.10–12.30 Interpretation services in Lithuania: deaf interpreters Ieva Silaeva Peciulyte,

Vilniaus apskrities gestu kalbos vertėju centras (Interpreters’ Centre), Litva

12.30–13.00 The role of deaf interpreters Arunas Bražinski, teacher and interpreter, Lithuania
13.00–13.20 Field of work for deaf interpreters from users’ perspective Jasna Bauman, BA in social work, Zavod združenje tolmačev (Interpreters’ Association)
13.20–14.00 Discussion Petra Rezar, MA, The Slovenian Association of Teachers of the Deaf
14.00–14.30 Conference resolutions, conclusions Petra Rezar, MA, The Slovenian Association of Teachers of the Deaf

